At the Sign of the Fox : a Romance

Cover At the Sign of the Fox : a Romance
At the Sign of the Fox : a Romance
Macmillan Company. Pbl
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This winter, when it was frozen and buried, I too felt turned to stone at times, or as if I stood by watching the face of some one I loved who was dead. If the ice had lasted another month, I do not think I could have borne it," and Brooke, as she gazed, clasped her hands before her with a gesture half supplication, half rescdu- tion, that had always been peculiarly her own.
Then Stead saw that the hands, with the firm, but slender fingers that tell of the artistic temperament, were no longer w
...hite and rose-tipped, but roughened and seamed like the groimd itself with the stress of the winter, — the patient hands of the woman who works, not of the queen who toys.
Suddenly the frost wherein his heart had been encased, Digitized by Google AT THE SIGN OF THE FOX 241 numbing him all these eleven years, melted in the sun- shine of her simple, wholesome womanliness, and broke away with a swift wrench, like the ice of the river in the force of the freshet. The red blood pulsed anew and sang in his ears the eternal spring song that was all forgotten, or worse yet, disbelieved; for a single moment it swirled him about, and hurried him along, struggling uselessly, backward toward youth, — a perilous journey.

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