Atlantis Stolen (Sam Reilly book 3)

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Someone had gone to great lengths to place them as a deterrent for unwanted visitors. More concerning yet were the three severed heads, which rested on spikes like flags at the back of each battle tank.
Their still fleshy faces, aghast in abject horror, portrayed a very recent incursion of the otherwise clear message.
Stay the fuck out!
“You look pensive, Dr. Swan?” It was Edward who spoke, as he lit an expensive cigar next to her. For a man in his eighties, he seemed keen to be constantly incli
...ned to speed up the inevitable.
“Look at this place!” Billie said without removing her gaze from the wretches in front of her. “It looks exactly like something out of Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness!”
Edward looked blank.
“You haven’t read The Heart of Darkness?”
“No, but I watched the film Apocalypse Now.”
“Look at those poor wretches.” Billie pointed toward more heads on spikes outlining the water’s edge. They appeared white. None of the local people would be stupid enough to enter the area.

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Atlantis Stolen (Sam Reilly book 3)
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