Aubrey 3

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I understand now.'^ The Sailor: ^^ The cliff in front of the Swiss cottage and there away, and down to the village of Creek — and sure enough, Creek it may be called — for Creek has been the making of it. The water that comes up there has been a famous run for smugglers." Lady Emma : " But you watched the cliff in front of the Swiss cottage, I think you said?" The Sailor : " Not much to watch there away. He must be a clever fellow as landed a cargo in front of that cottage. Why them cliffs are steep as a brick- wall — but you see, Miss, a vessel can come very close in shore all about there, and lie snug — and run a cargo at her ease, except one keeps a sharp look-out, in that same little bay." Lady Emma : " And have you been long upon this station ? " The Sailor : " I'm no chicken. Miss, — Fve been on this station since I served in that same Imperieuse — bless her, how she does come it.
Now take a look through the glass, do — That's AUBREY. 263 what I call a beauty. Only see the way that vessel comes up channel." Emma takes the glass and looks, and still holding it, says — '' How long have you been coast-guard upon this station, did you say ?" The Sailor; ^' A matter of fifteen years next Martinmas." Lady Emma : '' Fifteen years — fifteen years — then " — with a sort of trembling eager- ness in her voice — " then you were here August 18 — Seven years and more ago." The Sailor: " Was I?

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