Aunt Susan's Troubles On the Farm ..

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The book Aunt Susan's Troubles On the Farm .. was written by author Here you can read free online of Aunt Susan's Troubles On the Farm .. book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Aunt Susan's Troubles On the Farm .. a good or bad book?
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Huh, pigs don't laugh? Well they would if they saw you. No, don't come in here, some one might see you and they sure would be shocked.
You jes' stand right there till I get you another shirt.
What? The turkey gobbler? Well if I was a man I don't think I'd stand still and let a' ole pesky turkey gobbler tear my shirt clean off en my back. You wasn't stanen' still? Leastwise you wasn't runnin' as fast as that turkey gobbler. No, Josiah, don 't come in here. Miss Jones may be here any minute. Oh,
...there's a shirt hangin' right out there behind that door. Josiah — you didn't spill the milk did you? Well I never seen sich a man. We'll be in the poor house yet. Well, whose fault is it if we are in a pretty poor house now? I'm sure it isn't mine. Now go out and finish milkin' that cow and shoo the turkey gobbler off. You surely haven 't lived on a farm nigh onto seventy years and don 't know that much. Well if that isn't the beatenest. [Slams door, goes back to ironing.] But he sure did look funny.

What to read after Aunt Susan's Troubles On the Farm ..?
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