Autobiography of Friedrich Froebel

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This course v/as the fountain-head of the teaching method whicE " I afterwards thoroughly worked out, and which has now been in use for many years.
In arithmetic I did not take the lower, but the middle classes - and here also my teaching received cheering encomiums.
In drawing I also taught the middle classes. My method in this subject was to work at the thorough com prehension and the representation of planes and solids in outlme, nsmg from the simpleir forms -to compTex~combinations. I not o
...nly had the gratification of obtaining good results, which thoroughly satisfied those who tested them, but also of seeing my pupils work with- pleasure, with ardour, and with individuality.
■ Erdkunde.
■^2 Autobiography oj Froebel.
In the girls' school I had to teach orthography* in one of the elementary classes. This lesson, ordinarily standing by itself, disconnected with anything, I based upon correct pronunciation.t The teaching was imperfect, certainly ; but it nevertheless gained an unmistakable charm for both teacher and pupils ; and, finally^ Its results were very satisfactory.

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Autobiography of Friedrich Froebel
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