Bad Boys After Dark: Mick

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A cool breeze slid over her skin, and she inhaled the scent of tranquility. Funny, she hadn’t felt tranquil when she’d arrived, and they’d gone through myriad emotions this weekend—a roller coaster, really. But somehow, amid all the chaos and the pretending, Amanda had found herself, and in that discovery, she’d found a sense of peace. She’d thought she needed danger and intrigue to fill the loneliness inside her, but that wasn’t it at all. She’d been trying to find a substitution for the only she really wanted. She was searching for a clone. A counterpart. A void filler. Now she knew she could have searched the world over and never would have found a man to fit the bill, because there was only one Mick Bad. And she loved him, flaws and all.
    They’d spent the morning lazing aboard the boat, and later they’d meandered through the cute shops in town. Mick bought his mother a scarf, and they ate lunch in a café. Afterward, they’d shared a cupcake from Willow’s bakery and walked along the shore holding hands.

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