Bartered Betrayal - the Billionaire's Wife 08

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The book Bartered Betrayal - the Billionaire's Wife 08 was written by author Here you can read free online of Bartered Betrayal - the Billionaire's Wife 08 book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Bartered Betrayal - the Billionaire's Wife 08 a good or bad book?
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My tiny shitty apartment where this had all started. My studio now, I supposed, since all my shit was in Anton's house. I doubted he'd try to keep it all like some kind of jealous ex-boyfriend, but I didn't care about it anyway. It was just stuff. You can lose stuff. You can't lose yourself.Or you shouldn't, anyway.And yet that was what I'd done. I'd trusted Anton, let him fold me up and take me in and use me however he wanted because I loved the way my body felt when he touched it, and I'd love...d seeing the man behind the mask. The one who sometimes laughed despite himself, the man who couldn't let himself lose control for even a moment, the man who sometimes seemed completely confused by me, as though I were some kind of exotic creature he couldn't understand. But I still didn't know him at all, no matter how many times I gave him control. I'd lost myself to him, and had nothing to show for it in return. I needed to go somewhere that wasn't his, that had never been touched by him, and clear my head.I walked the whole way there.

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Bartered Betrayal - the Billionaire's Wife 08
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