Bartered Bride: the Billionaire's Wife, Part 3

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The book Bartered Bride: the Billionaire's Wife, Part 3 was written by author Here you can read free online of Bartered Bride: the Billionaire's Wife, Part 3 book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Bartered Bride: the Billionaire's Wife, Part 3 a good or bad book?
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I moaned. “A complete and utter idiot.”My best friend Sadie cocked an eyebrow and sucked on her cigarette. “I don't think that's ever been in doubt,” she told me. “You're not exactly the sharpest marble in the bag, Lis.”“You're so mean,” I told her. Then her words sank in. “Wait, marbles aren't sharp.”She smirked at me and blew a smoke ring.“That's even meaner,” I complained. “My life is ending and you don't even care.”Sadie rolled her eyes. “Your life isn't ending. You're just marrying some guy... for his money.”I threw a pillow at her,, which she dodged. “I am not.” I was marrying him to save my mom. And also because he seemed to have found my Orgasm Button. I'd told Sadie the first part, but not the second. It was too humiliating.Tapping ash into the tray on my table, Sadie shrugged. “There's nothing wrong with marrying a guy for his money,” she said. “I'd do it.”“You'd do a lot of things.”“Shit yeah, I would. Besides, your little noble I'm so poor!

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Bartered Bride: the Billionaire's Wife, Part 3
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