Bartered Passion: the Billionaire's Wife, Part 6 (A Bdsm Erotic Romance)

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The book Bartered Passion: the Billionaire's Wife, Part 6 (A Bdsm Erotic Romance) was written by author Here you can read free online of Bartered Passion: the Billionaire's Wife, Part 6 (A Bdsm Erotic Romance) book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Bartered Passion: the Billionaire's Wife, Part 6 (A Bdsm Erotic Romance) a good or bad book?
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Okay, maybe not as bad as suddenly dropping dead of a heart attack or throwing up the last ten beers you drank all over your partner, but it's pretty bad. Because parents aren't sexy. They may be sexual beings and, at one point, may have actually Done It to give you life, but you don't want to think about that, and you certainly don't want to see them standing on your doorstep when you were on the brink of getting plowed like last year's cornfield. And getting a sobbing hug from your mom? Boner ...killer. And I didn't even have a boner.I patted her shoulders awkwardly. "Mom," I said. "What's wrong?"She pulled back and glared at me, her eyes sharp and angry. "You!" she almost shouted. "You are what's wrong!" Her eyes caught something over my shoulder and she glowered. "And you. You are what's wrong."I turned to see Anton behind me. Incredulous, I turned back to my mother. "Mom," I said, "are you okay?""No!" she snapped at me. Without preamble, she pushed past me and into the house.On the porch, my father looked mortified, his eyes wide with horror.

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Bartered Passion: the Billionaire's Wife, Part 6 (A Bdsm Erotic Romance)
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