Bartered Seduction: the Billionaire's Wife, Part 2 (A Bdsm Erotic Romance)

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The book Bartered Seduction: the Billionaire's Wife, Part 2 (A Bdsm Erotic Romance) was written by author Here you can read free online of Bartered Seduction: the Billionaire's Wife, Part 2 (A Bdsm Erotic Romance) book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Bartered Seduction: the Billionaire's Wife, Part 2 (A Bdsm Erotic Romance) a good or bad book?
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What reading level is Bartered Seduction: the Billionaire's Wife, Part 2 (A Bdsm Erotic Romance) book?
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After my encounter with Waters and my subsequent shameful display in his elevator, I'd knocked around my little studio apartment, feeling dazed and useless. I even went on a cleaning binge to try to make myself feel better, but when I realized I'd moved the same dirty plate back and forth from my futon to the low coffee table where I ate five times without even skirting my tiny kitchen area, I gave up.Sitting down, I'd opened up the contract and begun to read, and made it about ten minutes befor...e I cracked open a beer to go with it. I'm very mature when it comes to handling my problems. During my meeting with Anton Waters, my father had left me eight voicemails on my phone and I'd deleted all of them. I knew what he was going to say. Had I accepted Waters' proposal? Had I? Had I? Had I?I'd downed a six pack in short order—way more than I usually did—and as a consequence I woke up with nacho cheese in my hair, a new sculpture of a goat tied up and blindfolded, and a browsing history on my computer full of websites about kinky sex.

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Bartered Seduction: the Billionaire's Wife, Part 2 (A Bdsm Erotic Romance)
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