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What reading level is Battlefield book?
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JD said and shivered a little as he watched the riverbanks. Something should have been happening. An hour had already passed, at least, and nothing was going on. “Okay, so if we’re supposed to be watching this team of other people show off their awesomeness, Alan, where are they?”
    They had carpooled from Orlando’s house to a nearby park and then hiked through the woods in the dark to their appointed station. It took a bit to adjust to the lighting, but the moonlight provided enough to see by
.... This portion of the park was elevated from the river. The water had carved its way through and made some fairly impressive hills and drops over time. Here the current was slower. Further north was a popular waterfall a lot of teenagers went to for dates and thus littered the park with their make-out sessions. JD once frequented the place with one of his ex-girlfriends.
    “Yeah, Alan, where are these guys? To think I gave up my Saturday night for this,”

What to read after Battlefield?
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