... Beacon Lights of History

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He was regarded by the students as the beau-ideal of a gentleman. He was most gracious, dressed well, and was a good critic of rhetorical exercises, in which young Lord excelled. An accomplished man, yet not a deep thinker, he made polished sermons and beauti- ful speeches. Jeremiah Mason was once asked what he thought of a speech made by Haddock before the New Hampshire Legislature. " Well enough,*' said the great lawyer, with a grunt " But do you not think it was equal to the occasion ? " " O...h, yes, but [with an exple- tive] the occasion was nothing!" Professor Haddock was a nephew of Daniel Webster, who, when Secretary of State, sent him to Portugal ; and it may be that in money matters — wherein he was proverbially care- less — he copied his uncle's defects. However, he made a decided impression on the collegians, and gave them at least an idea of polite manners.
The college preacher was "a very dreary man by the name of Page, — almost ghostly." From his dull Digitized by VjOOQ IC 32 LIFE OF JOHN LORD.

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