Beechcroft At Rockstone

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White said, ' repeated Adeline. '"The young dog expected to come over me with this pretty young wife---my relation, too; but he would have found himself out in hisreckoning. "' 'So far so good; but it is not fair. ' 'However, the ice is broken. What's that? Is the house comingdown?' No; but Gillian and Valetta came rushing in, almost tumbling over oneanother, and each waving a sheet of a letter. Papa and mamma wouldland in three days' time if all went well; but the pity was that theymust go to ...London before coming to Rockquay, since Sir Jasper mustpresent himself to the military and medical authorities, and likewisesee his mother, who was in a very failing state.
The children looked and felt as if the meeting were deferred foryears; but Miss Mohun, remembering the condition of 'Il Lido, ' alikeas to the presence of workmen and absence of servants, felt relievedat the respite, proceeded to send a telegram to Macrae, and becamebusier than ever before in her life.
The Rotherwoods were just going to London.

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