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For a deeper understanding, please refer to the written apology of Master Alexandru and his pet Zari Baltimore, Exhibit 1.5.1, p. 16 Alexandru spewed his coffee when he read the footer.
Next to him in bed, his pet giggled. Zari knew exactly what made her Master do that.
“What the fuck? You’re going to include it in your proposal?”
“If it’s any consolation,” she said ever so helpfully, “the Duke of Brimstone has already read it and he wholeheartedly approves—” She gasped. “Master! Did you just ca
...ll His Grace an old asshole?”
Alexandru’s fangs gnashed against his teeth as he did his best to maintain his smile even though he wanted to smash the other vampire’s face to pieces.
“Your pet fainted.” Erou’s lip curled.  His jealousy dissipated at the words, and his eyes went to Zari. “Are you all right?” He strode forward, noting the pallor of her skin. He extended his arms. “I’ll take her to the infirmary.”
Erou stiffened. “I can handle it—”
“I’m sure you can,”

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