Beirut Incident

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The book Beirut Incident was written by author Here you can read free online of Beirut Incident book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Beirut Incident a good or bad book?
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He had been talking to two swarthy men in inexpensive English-cut suits. They might have been olive oil merchants, but somehow I doubted it. As soon as Louie spotted me, he hurried over, hand outstretched.
    "Good to see you, Nick! Good to see you!" We shook hands heartily. Louie did everything heartily. Then he introduced me to the men he had been talking to, Gino Manitti and Franco Locallo. Manitti had a low, overhanging brow, a modern-day Neanderthal Man. Locallo was tall and spindly, and I
... caught a glimpse of a yellowish set of bad teeth through his tensely parted lips. Neither one spoke enough English to order a hot dog at Coney Island, but there was an animal hardness about their eyes, a tightness around the corners of the mouths that I'd seen before.
    Musclemen. More grist for the Mafia mill.
    Once on board the big airliner, I sat next to the window, with Louie in the adjoining seat. The two newest recruits to the Franzini family sat directly behind us.

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