Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift 6

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Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift 6
Entomologische Verein in Berlin
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al. 2f Hn.
Facies albida, mystace coneoiore. Anteonae totae nigrae. Tbo* racis dorsam atrum, nitidum, margine lateral! angastiaa, postico latias albido-poliinosb; humeri pleromque rufi, rarius badü. Plearaealbo- polÜDosae. Abdomen tenae, atrani, nitidum, margine laterali testaeeoi Pedes antici ex fuivo testacei, femoram apice iibiarnmque lineä Ion- gitudinali anticä ex nigro fascis. Pedes intermedii eandem pictiiram babent, adiecto tarnen femorum annnlo medio latissimo ex nigro fosco. Pedes pos
...tici tenues, fosoi, femonmi annuto sabapicali fnl- yescente tibiaramqae lineä iongitudinali supera testaceä. Alae bre^es, ex cinereo hyalinae, margine apicali paulo obeenriore, veois nigris; ceilula submarginaiis secunda quam pedunculns paulo longior; ceilu- larnm posteriornm secunda valde elongata, quarta peduaculata; cei- lula analis apicem versus angustala. — (€uba; Gundlach.) Nota. Variat poilioe in dorsi margine et in pleuria ex albo subflavicante.
14. Lepiogaeter ienuipes nov. sp.

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