Bernard Shaw a Critical Study

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Bernard Shaw a Critical Study
P P Percival Presland Howe
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Torvald and Nora might have joined in the chorus of the lost boys in Sir James Barrie's pantomime, and have told the Life Force that they had been " made before. " They had been made before and, the particular point is, they had been made differently. For however Mr. Shaw may dazzle our intelligences with a pure pedigree for the form of his drama by the Time Spirit out of Ibsen, the fact remains that no two dramatists, in every technical respect, are greater strangers to one another. Mr. Shaw, implication, has offered us the common ground between Ibsen's Torvald and Nora and his own Conolly and Marian as a suitable field for comparison ; but, not- withstanding the fact that we have established a certain general kinship between the novels of our subject and his plays, we may prefer a field where a more direct comparison is possible. Take Ghosts and Mrs. Warren's Profession, for example. You may read Ghosts, or you may witness it, and never for a moment be aware that anything at all is being " discussed " in Mr.

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