Better Than Easy (2011)

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The book Better Than Easy was written by author Here you can read free online of Better Than Easy book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Better Than Easy a good or bad book?
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Lit only by the bars of orange light from the streetlamps outside, the place looks strange and alien, yet at the same time, the difference is refreshing. It feels for some reason like it’s been ages since I really saw the place and the unusual darkness enables me to do that. It’s my flat, and I love it. And of course if the gîte works out I will have to leave it. I have barely thought about that.
The street outside is silent, and with the exception of Paloma purring – she has jumped on my lap im
...mediately – and the humming of the fridge, the world is silent. It feels almost as if everyone on the planet, with the exception of myself, is asleep.
I’m feeling a little sick, so I sit and wait for it to pass. Initially I think the cause is Jenny’s cheap wine, but slowly it dawns on me that the cause is more psychological. What I’m feeling is guilt. The sickening stomach churn of a guy who has spent the evening lying to his oldest friend. I think about this, and then about the fact that pretty soon I will no doubt be actively lying to Tom as well, even if only to make sure that the stories I have told Jenny tie up.

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