Betty in Canada

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The book Betty in Canada was written by author Here you can read free online of Betty in Canada book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Betty in Canada a good or bad book?
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They are surrounded by beautiful lawns, and flower-beds bright with blossoms.
The children wandered up and down the grav- elled paths, while Mr. Butler went into one of the offices to attend to some business. Betty had eyes only for the flowers and trees, but Reggie walked about vujtil he found the best view of the river and the Chaudi^re Falls, where the water plunges down fifty feet over ragged ledges of rock.
There was so much that was interesting for them to see that the time passed quickly
..., and it seemed but a few minutes before Mr. Butler was back again, ready to take them out to Rideau Hall.
As they took their seats in the automobile once more, he turned to look back at the majestic build- ings in their setting of green lawns and trees.
" The last time I was here," he said, " was the day of King Edward's funeral, when we were having a memorial service, and it was a scene that I shall never forget. Throngs of people, and companies of soldiers in uniform, filled the square and all the near-by streets, and massed bands in the center A DAY EST OTTAWA S3 of the squaxe played a funeral march, while every- one stood still with bowed head.

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Betty in Canada
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