Between the Sheets

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The book Between the Sheets was written by author Here you can read free online of Between the Sheets book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Between the Sheets a good or bad book?
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It was hard to admit but he was showing his age, and after sex like that … he needed a cooldown. A few laps around the track at a slower pace. She looked all tousled and fucked and gorgeous, everything they’d done to each other written large in her dilated eyes, her messy hair, the blush to her skin—and he just needed a second.“What are you going to do with Casey this week?” She curled her body in tight until she was just a little ball in the corner of her couch. He wanted to pick her up and put... her in his lap, smooth out her hair. Kiss her collarbones, the down-sloping curve of her shoulder.Maybe he wouldn’t need as much of a cooldown as he’d thought.“He’ll come to work with me,” he said. “We’re finishing up Cora’s patio.”“How did you end up being a carpenter and a mechanic?” she asked. “That’s where Casey found you, right? Your grandfather’s garage?”The fact that she remembered lit a small match in a very dark place inside of him. “I’ve always been good with my hands.”

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