Big City Jacks

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The book Big City Jacks was written by author Here you can read free online of Big City Jacks book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Big City Jacks a good or bad book?
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One red dropped luckily into a pocket and the white ball rolled into a potting position behind the blue. He sniggered at his good fortune and his opponent shook his head disparagingly.
As he lined up his next shot, his mobile phone rang. He cursed but answered it and listened intently before ending the call with a terse ‘Been chased and dumped in Blackpool? Interesting.’ He stood up and bounced the thick end of his cue thoughtfully on the floor. ‘Bloody Blackpool,’ he muttered thoughtfully.
...’ his opponent enquired.
‘Nowt.’ He dropped into position over the snooker table again, but once more his phone rang out. ‘Shit . . . yeah?’ he answered.
He walked across to the window and gazed down on to the street below the private club, a quiet Manchester street, close to the town centre.
‘You’re sure he’s there? Right . . . right . . .’ As he spoke and listened he became more and more agitated and excited. ‘Leave it with me. He pressed the ‘end call’ button and redialled immediately.

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