Blind Eye: the Terrifying Story of a Doctor Who Got Away With Murder

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He remained under corrections department supervision for an additional year. Rita Dumas’s support had been unwavering throughout his imprisonment. She now gave friends a new explanation for Michael’s conviction: that he had been “framed” by Wayne Johnson because the coroner had feared that Swango, who was far more skilled, would supplant him.Swango and Dumas moved to Hampton, Virginia, a town on the Chesapeake Peninsula near Newport News and Colonial Williamsburg. Both Rita and Michael wanted to... begin a new life, away from Quincy, Columbus, and their past. Rita later told friends she had always wanted to live near the ocean, as well.But Swango proved unable to escape his past. He applied for a medical license from the state of Virginia, and met with the state’s licensing committee on August 12. Citing his felony conviction and the suspension of his Illinois and Ohio licenses, the committee voted to reject his application.Instead of practicing medicine, Swango went to work as a counselor for the Career Development Center, which helped students get into medical and other professional schools.

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Blind Eye: the Terrifying Story of a Doctor Who Got Away With Murder
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