Blood Crazy (2014)

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The book Blood Crazy was written by author Here you can read free online of Blood Crazy book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Blood Crazy a good or bad book?
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What reading level is Blood Crazy book?
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The day began with two things.
One. Another note appeared beneath the wiper of the Shogun. Come home. Urgent news for you. Love – mum & dad. I screwed it into a ball and kicked it over the wall. It was a sick joke. I decided not to let it get under my skin.
Two. Rebecca Keene returned. She climbed out of the car with her two companions as we bunched round to hear the news. She told us in her schoolmistress voice that they had had an uneventful journey. The hotel was deserted – ideal for our purp
...oses. She wore a new bandage on her left hand but didn’t mention it.
During our open air breakfast the story went round that Rebecca had been bitten by a dog.
‘Poor bloody animal.’ Curt, the tattooed hooligan, stuffed his mouth with bacon. ‘Bet it dies of food poisoning.’ ‘Nick, sorry to interrupt.’ Dave came up. ‘After breakfast would you check the vehicles?’ ‘When we setting off?’ ‘That’s to be decided. But we need to know the vehicles will get us there in one go.’ ‘I can’t guarantee they won’t break down.’ I guessed somehow the vehicles had become my responsibility.

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