Blood Moon Harvest (Seasons of the Moon)

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It had a bumper sticker that said “Union of Kopides and Aspides,” and long antennas drooping over the hood. Both of those were normal for a Union transport. They were terrible at subtlety. The government markings, however, were new.Seth was waiting for them at the gate to the ranch. The SUV stopped, and a man with shoulders nearly as wide as he was tall jumped out.Yasir strode toward Seth. “Hey, kid,” he greeted. They clasped hands. He had pleasantly rough palms, and his knuckles made it look he punched brick walls for fun. Maybe he did. The Union had some pretty intense training regimens.“Long time,” Seth said, studying the commander. He had a few new scars and a gold tooth replacing one canine.Yasir snorted. “Not long enough.”The last time they had seen each other, it had been in the aftermath of the Union hunters fighting against the werewolves on Gray Mountain. Yasir had made it pretty clear that he didn’t want to have anything to do with werewolves anymore, regardless of what the Union’s command center said.“Thanks for coming to help us,”

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Blood Moon Harvest (Seasons of the Moon)
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