Bobby the Brave (Sometimes) (2010)

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The book Bobby the Brave (Sometimes) was written by author Here you can read free online of Bobby the Brave (Sometimes) book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Bobby the Brave (Sometimes) a good or bad book?
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What reading level is Bobby the Brave (Sometimes) book?
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Bobby waved hello to her and went on into the kitchen, where he found his father.
“Hi, Bobby!” Mr. Ellis-Chan said as he rinsed the mixing bowl. “How would you like to be the first to try my blueberry-tomato cookies?”
Bobby looked at the lumps on the plate and shook his head. “No thanks, Dad. Maybe later.”
For a split second his father looked disappointed. But he quickly composed himself and asked, “Everything okay, son?”
“Everything’s just fine,” Bobby said as he rushed to his room. He couldn’t
... bear to tell his father about what had happened in PE.
Koloff and Beatrice were swimming back and forth. Diver Dave was swimming up and down. Bobby watched them for a while before releasing a huge sigh. “I got in trouble at school today and had to sit on a bench during PE,” he confessed to them. “You probably have no idea what it’s like to be stuck in one spot for a whole hour.”
Beatrice stopped swimming and then began to circle the tank. She was a pretty white fish with orange spots.

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Bobby the Brave (Sometimes)
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User Reviews:

Guest 5 years ago

thanks for writing this book I enjoyed it and it was helpful to be brave sometimes. lol thanks XD thank u sooooooooooooooo much

Guest 5 years ago

I liked this book thanks it was helpful to be brave sometimes thank u thank uthank u thank u thank u

Guest 5 years ago

short but great very i love it because has many people and it is so SCHOLASTIC great genre chosen i felt amused by the creativity of this author is unexpected and it's really socializing because of the boy's ways but that's the way the author wrote about him and i thank you for that great book loved it seriously i do but i also love this author or company who wrote this great,loving and lovely book

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