Bone: a Dark Billionaire Romance (With Bonus book Exhibit!)

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Even though I roll them up well away from the ground, somehow the damp gets to them like it's climbed there by itself. I have a pair of shoes that are supposed to be waterproof, but they clearly aren't, because by the time I get on the bus and find a seat, I realize how cold and wet my feet are. It's only 8pm and the bus is already full of drunks, and before we're even five minutes into the journey someone's already hitting on me.
He's sweet enough, but his breath stinks of alcohol and his lips
...are all red where it looks like he's been drinking wine by the gallon load. He puts his hand on my thigh at one point, maybe just to balance himself, maybe because he figures boundaries don’t exist over Christmas, and I show him I don't appreciate it at all, by getting up and standing over by the doors. At the next stop he gets out, along with about six other men in suits and stupid cone shaped kids hats, I presume from the same Christmas office party.
'Bitch', he says to me as he leaves.
I flick him the bird when the bus pulls past them, but he’s already forgotten about me, lost in the huddle of his friends.

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Bone: a Dark Billionaire Romance (With Bonus book Exhibit!)
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