Book of Common Worship

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Book of Common Worship
American Unitarian Association
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What reading level is Book of Common Worship book?
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Wherefore let us heartily rejoice in the Lord; for it is good to sing praises unto our God; Let us sing unto the Lord a new song, and praises in the assembly of his people.
Let all the upright exult in his glory, and let them sing for joy upon their beds.
Let the high praises of God be daily in their mouths, and songs of rejoicing break forth in their night-watches.
Yea, we will give thanks unto the Lord with our whole heart, and exult in the knowl- edge of his goodness; We will give thanks unt
...o his name for his lovingkindness and for his truth; and sing with joy because of the glorious ways of the Lord our God.
We will sing unto the Lord as long as we live; we will sing praises unto the Lord while we have any being; Day by day will we magnify his name, and rejoice before his glory in the night seasons ; Digitized by VjOOQIC ^ RESPONSIVE READINGS 93 For the earth is full of the abundance of his blessings ; and his righteousness doth he openly display in the sight of all the nations.
All the ends of the earth shall see the goodness of the Lord, because his right hand and his holy arm have wrought sal- vation for all his people.

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