Boston Notions:

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Its founders establish- ed this society on the broad basis for affording relief to un- fortunate sufferers by fire in any part of the State, and to re- ward the inventor for any useful machine for extinguishing fires, and to patronize any one making extraordinary exer- tions in such a time of calamity, &c.
BOSTON NOTIONS. 203 Was instituted March 15th, 1795. This institution com- prises many hundreds of our most ingenious and respectable mechanics, and as a society has done much for their indi-
... vidual benefit in raising the various useful crafts to an hon- orable standing in the community, and achieved important results and benefits to the public at large, by a triennial con- centration of the best productions of genius in every depart- ment of the useful and fine Arts ; by a great and glorious FAIR, which once in every three years fills the eye with de- light for its grandeur, and the heart with patriotic impulse and gratitude, and their own coffers with a fair compensation : and this year, 1847, their fifth fair will be opened with a gen- erous display of the neatest handy-work of artists and arti- zans in every department of choice work accomplished by man or woman ; in Faneuil and Quincy Hall.

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