Bounty Hunter 1: the Bounty Hunter's Revenge

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What reading level is Bounty Hunter 1: the Bounty Hunter's Revenge book?
To quickly assess the difficulty of the text, read a short excerpt:

    Eva Pond was wanted for the murder of people she had never killed.
She was a slave trader and an efficient, greedy one at that. In the eyes of the law, the people she had taken were as good as dead and she was their executioner. Her greed, at times a source of strength and wealth, had been her undoing. She had taken too many people from one planet. Enough to be noticed, and enough that they banded together to purchase an executioner of their own.
Burke was a bounty hunter. When he strode int
...o the bar, most didn’t look twice. His battle aegis, a full body armored suit, covered his face and did not appear out of the ordinary on space stations. Humanoid aliens were common enough and many had different needs. Sealed suits were necessary when the wrong kind of chemicals filled the air.
What set Burke’s suit apart was the grade and quality of it. It was one of the most expensive pieces of armor in the galaxy, and he was among the few that owned one. The aegis could resist most small arms and explosions, but still blended in among the dozens of other suits found on a station at any given time.

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Bounty Hunter 1: the Bounty Hunter's Revenge
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