Boyer's French Dictionary : Comprising All the Additions And Improvements of the Latest Paris And London Editions With a Very Large Number of Useful Words And Phrases, Now First Selected From the Modern Dictionaries of Boiste, Wailly, Catineau And Others

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The book Boyer's French Dictionary : Comprising All the Additions And Improvements of the Latest Paris And London Editions With a Very Large Number of Useful Words And Phrases, Now First Selected From the Modern Dictionaries of Boiste, Wailly, Catineau And Others was written by author Here you can read free online of Boyer's French Dictionary : Comprising All the Additions And Improvements of the Latest Paris And London Editions With a Very Large Number of Useful Words And Phrases, Now First Selected From the Modern Dictionaries of Boiste, Wailly, Catineau And Others book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Boyer's French Dictionary : Comprising All the Additions And Improvements of the Latest Paris And London Editions With a Very Large Number of Useful Words And Phrases, Now First Selected From the Modern Dictionaries of Boiste, Wailly, Catineau And Others a good or bad book?
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to bud or i glow again.
Reg I, E,adj. (from régir) governed, ruled.
Regicide, rà-iî-sîd, s, m. regicide.
RÉGtE,rà-zl, s. f. administration, manage- ment.
Regimber, ri-im-bà,v.n. to kick or wince.
Regime, ra-iîm, s. m. diet, course of diet, regimen, government, administration ; (in grammar) regimen, case governed.
Régiment, rz.-z\-mhi, s. m. regiment.
*Réginglette, rà-ii«-glêt, s. f. gin or trap (to catch birds.) Région, rà-iîon, s. f. region ; country ; [d'
...une carte géographique) quarter ; (ducœur) region or seat. " Régir, rk-zlr. v. a. lo govern, rule. * Régisseur, rà-zî-sêur, s. m. manager,ad- ministrator.
Registre, re-;îstr, s. m. register, register- book or record, chronicle, hislorv ; stop of an organ ; (in printing) register. 11 est sur mes registres, I have him in my books. Bâtiment registre, Mar, Sjjanish registre ship.
REGiST(^ER,rè-2Îs xà, V a. to register, enrol, record.
Regitre & Regitrer, V. Registre, Re- gistrer.

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