Breath of Malice

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The book Breath of Malice was written by author Here you can read free online of Breath of Malice book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Breath of Malice a good or bad book?
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She checked her phone and saw she’d missed a call from him. She called back but got Sam’s voicemail. If he was on his way back, his phone would be off while he was in the air. She didn’t bother with a message. He wouldn’t get it until he landed.
She was too wound up to sleep. Maybe a hot bath would help. She checked on Ivy. She was asleep, her earbuds on. Paige thought about removing them, but Ivy looked to be enjoying a sound sleep, and Paige didn’t want to risk waking her.
She put the stopper the bottom of the tub, then got the water running. She undressed, setting her phone and her weapon on the small faux marble counter. Though Paige had made efforts to conceal it, lately Ivy had noticed that Paige had taken to wearing her Glock in the apartment and had asked Paige about it. Paige told her sister she hadn’t found a suitable place to store it in the apartment yet. Another lie on top of so many.
She finished filling the tub. Water sloshed as she stepped inside. She settled back against the rim and closed her eyes, trying to will her tense muscles to ease.

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Breath of Malice
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