Brigade: the Further Adventures of Inspector Lestrade

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The book Brigade: the Further Adventures of Inspector Lestrade was written by author Here you can read free online of Brigade: the Further Adventures of Inspector Lestrade book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Brigade: the Further Adventures of Inspector Lestrade a good or bad book?
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What reading level is Brigade: the Further Adventures of Inspector Lestrade book?
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He had been buried for three weeks. And reburied for nearly two. Lestrade reflected again, as he had so often in the past, how difficult it was to reconstruct the last hours of a man’s life. Particularly an old man, a man with few real friends. And in a way, Joe Towers had been lucky. He had a good friend in Ben Beeson, whose nose had smelt a rat, if not bitter almonds. How many more old men, and young ones too, and women, mouldered in paupers’ graves or the elegance of Abney Park, apparently of natural causes, precisely because they did not have Ben Beeson for a friend?
And had one such case now landed on Lestrade’s desk, in the form of a plea from the Norfolk Constabulary? It was Sergeant Edgar Bradstreet who brought it to Lestrade’s attention – Gregson’s blue-eyed boy.
‘The inspector thinks it’s anarchists, sir,’ Bradstreet was saying. ‘He suspects the Russians, perhaps using Irish agents provocateurs.’ ‘Inspector Gregson always suspects the Russians, Sergeant, and he usually throws in an Irishman or two, for good measure.

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Brigade: the Further Adventures of Inspector Lestrade
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