British Birds With Their Nests And Eggs

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Alex. Von Bunge found it in summer on Sagastyr Island, at the mouth of the Lena, along with Cygnus musicus and C. olor. Mr. H.
L. Popham, who visited the Yenisei in 1895, says all the Swans, as far as he could ascertain, were of this species — ("The Ibis," 1897, p. 100). In winter Bewick's is common in Japan and China.
C bewicki occurs regularly on migration at Astrakhan, but not so commonly as C musicus. It winters in the southern Caspian. It is a rare winter visitor to Vot IV. o 94 British Bi
...rds, with their Nests and Eggs.
Heligoland, and has twice been obtained in Italy, in 1874 an adult female, by Mr.
Lucas, out of a small flock; also near Pavia, in January, 1891. It is a scarce visitor to the Baltic.
I have examined, as far as possible, all the reputed occurrences of Bewick's Swan in the British Islands, ranging over a period of thirty-five years, and find, although the Whooper is the most common of the two on the east coast, that taking the whole area of these islands, this small species is equally numerous as its large congener, and appearing in larger flocks.

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