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Ninety days after.
Three months have passed. A quarter of a year. 2160 hours. 129,600 minutes. I’m taking the photos of Alice down for a second time. I took them down shortly after it happened, because I couldn’t bear to look at them. Then I put them back up after a month or so and now, for a second time, I’m taking them off the shelves and packing them into boxes that I’m storing away in the attic. Traces of Alice will always remain within this house, and in my head and my heart, but with Chris
...tmas around the corner, I can’t cope with having those memories prodded every time I walk into a room. I want to start the new year with a clean slate until all of the loose ends are tied up. Then, and only then, can I begin to allow Alice to filter back towards me. We no longer have the relationship we used to, and I know that. Knowing that and accepting that are two entirely different things though. What I’m doing now is both for Alice and for me. It’s so Alice can rest in peace and it’s so I can get on with my life without her.

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