Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineer's Monthly Journal 39

Cover Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineer's Monthly Journal 39
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineer's Monthly Journal 39
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers (U.S.)
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Nature, while she is always working with equal force perpetuating and destroying life, seems to be cmel to the salmon, indeed, causing them to sacrifice their lives to perpetuate their species.
Another point of interest to Eastern visitors and a special feature of the Fair Grounds will be the Experimental Gkur- dens and Model Farms, showing the methods and wavs of irrigation by which much of the arid land of the West has been traasfonned from a dreary waste into a bloMoming Bden.
not only of ev
...ery Christian church, but of the Moliammedan Buddhist, Confu- cian and other Oriental faiths. The gates on Sunday will not be opened until noon.
All buildmgs except the Fine Arts, Audi- torium and those of similar nature will be closed throughout the day and all ma- chinery will be stopped.
It is the intention of the different rail- road orders of the Pacific Northwest to have a railroad men*s day at the Fair, and if possible to have the Grand Officers of the various orders there on that day.

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Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineer's Monthly Journal 39
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