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Sarah A. and George II. Adams.
S. S. McFerran.
James Hagorty.
Isabella Campbell.
George A, Clark.
Jas. A. Teulon.
(;. B. Whitehead.
Dr. J. De Beuuevilli' Abbott.
B. T. Chapin.
Laselle R. Erdiee.
J. Holmes Patton.
A.R. Montgomery.
W. P. Roossing.
Chailes W. Barkman.
G. W. Daugherty.
Davison Greenawalt, Locality.
Clarion Cleartield . . .
rir.st appeared.
Columbia Conneautville...
Coudersport Danville Delniont Du Bois Duncannon East Bethlehem Ebensburgh .. .
Elk Lick Emlcutown Empori
...um Enon Valley...
Erie Do Fayette City...
Foxburgb Frank liu O'^P-....
Germautown . . .
18771 187Ct 18741 18791 18801 18801 1884 18781 Observer.
1880 1H7U 188131 188Ut 1874 187.';t 18711 18741 18801 1882 Miller Beatty.
A. B. Weaver.
C. Augustus Ritteu- house.
(*. F. Young.
William A. Ilanimon, M. S. Thompson.
Thomas Chalfaut.
J. D. Pailv.
J. P. Taylor.
Jos. M.'Shatto.
Emma C. Adams.
Jas. G. Ilasson.
Silas A. Wagner.
U. A. Hamilton.
J. ISr.Judd.
John O. Ca.skey.
T. D wight IngorsoU.
II. C. Shannon.

What to read after Bulletin?
You can find similar books in the "Read Also" column, or choose other free books by Metcalf Collection (North Carolina State University). Ncrs to read online
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