Byron And Byronism in America

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Byron's separation from his wife, his quarrels, the refusal of the dignitaries of Westminister Abbey to admit his body to burial, were also favorite themes. On the last the popular feeling, popularly expressed, was : — " When Freedom and Genius in triumph return To rebuild their old temples and visit the new, The first shall an altar erect to his urn, And the strains of the second shall hallow it too." x Further citations would belong rather in some unwritten book on American humor.
The most in
...teresting and tragic of all followers of Byron in his wild life and wilder lyrics of despair, bravado and aspiration, was McDonald Clarke, "the mad poet,'' as he was called and called himself. The bitterest experi- ences of life overthrew his sensitive, craving nature, 2 and gave his numerous erratic volumes sometimes a reality, a pathos, which not even their extreme chaos, crudity and imitative style can destroy. He showed, too, brief flashes of genius, striking off occasional metaphors of surprising originality and power, 3 and some tender stanzas of poign- ant simplicity.

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