C. Cornelii Taciti Opera: Ex Recensione Ioh. Avgusti Ernesti 1

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C. Cornelii Taciti Opera: Ex Recensione Ioh. Avgusti Ernesti 1
Cornelius Tacitus, Jeremias Jacob Oberlin
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In our eReader you can find the full English version of the book. Read C. Cornelii Taciti Opera: Ex Recensione Ioh. Avgusti Ernesti 1 Online - link to read the book on full screen. Our eReader also allows you to upload and read Pdf, Txt, ePub and fb2 books. In the Mini eReder on the page below you can quickly view all pages of the book - Read Book C. Cornelii Taciti Opera: Ex Recensione Ioh. Avgusti Ernesti 1
What reading level is C. Cornelii Taciti Opera: Ex Recensione Ioh. Avgusti Ernesti 1 book?
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lifbm pio fup&rvacuis dèleri vo- lebat» Ih C9 fçlUtur, quodtjoni 6tis,\n*edit Sàlmaûa, Procfopf.
impcv^um tion pifi ex.tva urbeit)- niiiTç, nic^tus exemplis epruirt^ qui a Tiberiç.t qùamquani pror Xincii^ datis.^ tamen î^ t|r^ ré^ tinebantur N»m Hoc praétér %jorem &â:iMii, Sahnalîus ye-s t«in di'xîf. la in nMinti Ait^viftt ad a. n* 73JJ. pe; minore vidL^tu^ q^o da- ta Au^uÉ^o poteit^s lînguli^ U- uvia^ii Kalei;idis coron ne et tn- Eckhcl PoiU'i iviST, vet* vol* 6* -S^wlfujj $ic e Flor.

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C. Cornelii Taciti Opera: Ex Recensione Ioh. Avgusti Ernesti 1
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