California Pastoral 1769 1848

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A horse and vaquero, to attend the soldier in case of accident, was to be kept ready; and the courier kept to time, according to an enclosed table of arrivals and departures at each halting-place. The people were to be notified twenty-four hours be- fore arrival, so as to have letters posted.
Above Monterey the service was particularly poor. Saj's Vallejo, writing to the minister of war in 1841 : "The administration of the post-office in this depart- ment is an unknown thing; there is no regula
...rly established mail service. The mails are exposed to all who choose to tamper with them, and offenders have no fear of punishment. " W. A. Bartlett thus writes to The Califomian in 1846: "There is a regular ex- press mail from the headquarters of the northern military district at Yerba Buena to Sonoma and New Helvetia, leaving every Wednesday morning, and re- turning from Sonoma as soon as the river mail arrives. Also constant communication from headquarters at Yerba Buena to Sauzalito, San Rafael, San Pablo, Pinole, Cerrito, and other points on the opposite coast.

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California Pastoral 1769 1848
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