Can't Buy Me Love

Cover Can't Buy Me Love
Can't Buy Me Love
Molly O'keefe
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She’d prepared for something bittersweet. But this pain was hard and sharp—glass she couldn’t swallow.
“Crying over all your lost millions?” Luc looked disreputable, with his hair mussed and his tie pulled loose, like a dangerous man in a cologne ad.
“Don’t forget the cows.”
“Of course,” he agreed magnanimously. He looked around at the studio like it was a curiosity, a freak show at a circus, and not a very good one.
And she wanted to be cool about it. Untouched. As controlled as he was. But she
... couldn’t.
“Get the hell out of here, Luc,” she snapped, unable to muster up anything more cutting to say.
“Should I call you Tara Jean or Jane? I mean, frankly, you’re not like any Jane I’ve ever met.”
“Tara Jean it is.”
“I’m not kidding, Luc. Leave. Now.”
“Wish I could, Tara Jean.” He stepped farther into her workshop. “But I have been sent to fetch you.”
Get up, she told herself, trying to rally. This man is invading your kingdom.

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