Can't Hurry Love

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Ruby’s phone message had been cryptic and he’d gotten back there as fast as he could. But he’d been a hundred miles away at Los Camillos, where he’d been hired to train some rodeo studs while he waited for his mares to give birth.Climbing up the steps, he was struck as he always was by how they’d managed to turn such an ugly building into something so arresting. So positively beautiful.But that was the power of Victoria. Look what she’d done to him. He felt totally transformed by her. A new man ...stood on this porch.At her urging, he’d called Uncle John in Galveston. Only left a message, but still, he’d reached out. Now they were playing phone tag. But he wouldn’t have called in the first place without Victoria.The front door opened and she slipped out, his belt buckle at her waist gleaming in the twilight. He liked that on her. Liked it a lot.“Hey, babe, what’s—”“I need you to go home,” she said.He blinked. “But Ruby said there was some kind of problem—”“There isn’t.”All right, he was no Sherlock Holmes, but Tori was acting very strange and all his instincts went on high alert.The word love hadn’t been discussed again in all the weeks they’d been practically living together, sleeping together, and working together, but it was there on his side and he had a strong suspicion she felt it, too.“Are you okay?”“Very busy.

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