Cape Cod Promises: Love On Rockwell Island

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Fortunately, the kiss Reese had given him had him soaring so high that even the frustrating search for the deed couldn’t dull his mood.
    The elevator doors opened on Chandler’s floor, and Trent’s chest tightened. Grandparents were supposed to be doting and loving toward their grandchildren. Or at least warm and friendly. Trent often wondered if perhaps Chandler had once been that way, before his wife died. But all Trent could remember was the way his grandfather had treated Grandma Caroline, she was all the way at the bottom of his priority list.
    As he stepped from the elevator, a memory whipped through him so suddenly that he had to press his palm to the wall to steady himself. I’m last on your priority list—not just second to your job, but seventh or eighth, after your workday, parties, office events, and whatever else might lead to your success. Reese had said this to him ten years ago after he’d chased her back to the island to ask her why she’d left him with nothing but a note saying she couldn’t be married to him anymore.

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Cape Cod Promises: Love On Rockwell Island
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