Captivated By Her Innocence

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The book Captivated By Her Innocence was written by author Here you can read free online of Captivated By Her Innocence book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Captivated By Her Innocence a good or bad book?
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What reading level is Captivated By Her Innocence book?
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He preferred to sleep alone, so watching a woman while she slept was not something Cesare had ever done before.
    Last night there had not been a lot else for him to do. He couldn’t slip away without the risk of waking Jas, who had crawled into his arms before she fell asleep. He couldn’t move, sleep still eluded him, so that left watching the woman sleeping feet away.
    It was an alternative to counting sheep.
    In repose the lines of wariness disappeared from her face. With her curls of auburn she made him think of a sleeping angel. Her face had the look of a carved statue, her skin as fine as alabaster and sprinkled with a dusting of freckles across the bridge of her nose. Her delicate nostrils flared in time with each soft exhalation. Occasionally she would twitch, her blue-veined eyelids fluttering, her breath quickening. What did she dream about when her head thrashed against the pillow?
    Was he her nightmare?

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Captivated By Her Innocence
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