Castle Avon 3

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Lady Aylmer had heard of some gangs CASTLE AVON. 203 of vagrants, half smugglers, half gipsies, infesting the southern parts of Kent and Sussex ; and she had determined, before re- turning home, to visit those districts, and endeavour to gain some intelligence of the habits and customs of these tribes of wanderers, among some one of which she doubted not that her son, if he existed, would be found. She had spent a couple of months in the most toilsome and tedious researches, but the gangs of gi
...psies that had haunted the neighbourhood the year before, were now gone elsewhere, and had so completely cleared away from that part of the country, that there was not a vestige of them left.
The habits of these people are so little known, and they excite so little attention, that it is not surprising that nothing could be discovered.
The only fresh information that she received was from the gaoler at the prison of Lewes.
She had learned, among a few other trifling facts, connected with these wanderers, that a 204 CASTLE AVON, gipsey lad, named Big Ben, had been committed to Lewes gaol about eighteen months before, and had been tried, and from thence been transported.

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