Castle Rouge

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My pulses raced. I felt once again confined in a box. I wrenched my head from side to side, the only portion I could move, hoping to spy my friends.Angry shouts in a foreign tongue assailed my ears. I sensed a flutter of violence to my right and managed to see Bram or Godfrey being stripped of his borrowed cloak.And still the fissure between the walls spewed an onslaught of new forces into the cellar.If only we had made our race to freedom ten or fifteen minutes earlier…. As the men milled aroun...d us, I realized that they didn’t wear the white robes of celebrants, but the full, colorful clothing of Gypsies. There was even a woman or two among them. I glimpsed long unbound hair under scarlet-and-gold scarves, but only briefly, as both they and I were below the common height and condemned to see only half of what occurred.Bram roared like an angry bear behind me. I felt his cloak whip my shoulder as it was torn away and then I heard a shriek that almost sounded joyous.One of the Gypsy women came tearing through the circle of men, knocking into their arms and shoulders left and right with some object in her hand.She pushed past me, and as I turned to follow her impetuous progress, I saw Godfrey pressed against the wall only a yard’s width behind me.

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