Cat in a Hot Pink Pursuit (2004)

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The book Cat in a Hot Pink Pursuit was written by author Here you can read free online of Cat in a Hot Pink Pursuit book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Cat in a Hot Pink Pursuit a good or bad book?
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What reading level is Cat in a Hot Pink Pursuit book?
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He had a right to know. They had a right to know.
Opening the door, he almost bumped into the lurking paralegal.
“Oh. Mr. . . . Devine. May I show you out?"He smiled. "Sure. Thanks. These offices are a rat maze." “Don't we know it? So many junior partners.”
She happily led him through carpeted hallways that turned and twisted, always passing by more paper-filled work cubicles.
“When do you find time to watch The Amanda Show?" he asked as they neared the central reception area.
“Amanda Show? Dayt
...ime TV. Oh, I don't. Ever find time, I mean. I know it's a Chicago institution. Why do you ask about it?" “Because it's a Chicago institution, like Oprah," he said, shrugging as if he didn't care.
So her amazing interest in him didn't derive from his TV appearances. Surely his recent Queer Eye for the Straight Guy hair highlighting job wasn't solely responsible for these frequent dewy glances?
“Here we are. Reception, Mr. Win—" She glanced, mortified, at the appointment roster in her hand.

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Cat in a Hot Pink Pursuit
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