Catalogue of Books in the Children's Department of the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh

Cover Catalogue of Books in the Children's Department of the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
Catalogue of Books in the Children's Department of the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
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— ^The sand- piper. — In cap of red. — With the water watchman.
Mulock, Dinah Maria. See Craik, Mrs Dinah Maria (Mulock).
Munroe, Kirk. jMgeSa At war with Pontiac. Scribner, $1.25.
Adventures of a white boy and girl during the siege of Detroit by the Indian war- chief Pontiac.
Munroe, Kirk. jMgeSb Big Cypress; story of an Everglade homestead. Wilde, $1.00.
Story of the Seminole Indians and the Florida Everglades.
Munroe, Kirk. jMgeScab Cab and caboose. Putnam, $1.25.
''Railroad Blake" works his
... way up in the railroad business, through some exciting experiences with tramps, train-robbers and wrecks.
Munroe, Kirk. jMgeSc Campmates; a story of the plains. Harper, $1.25.
The hero accompanies a government exploring party to the Pacific coast. He is cap- tured by Indians, lost in a snow-storm and meets with Kit Carson.
* Indicates the, best reading.
174 CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH Munroe, Kirk. jMgeSca Canoemates. Harper, $1.25.
Cruise of two boys along the Florida reef, in which they have numerous adventures with terrible storms, wild animals, thieves and Seminole Indians.

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