Caught: a Hitman Romance

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It’s the alcohol for sure, but also the fact that this man is actually showing interest in me. This incredibly handsome, wealthy man!
    He is so out of my league! How can he not see it?
    When I stumble back to Amanda and her boss to let her know that he just asked to step outside with me, she casts me the broadest grin I have ever seen on her face.
    “You go girl!” She cheers, luckily in a whisper that no one but me hears. “Go with him! I knew all you needed was a little nudge in the righ
...t direction!”
    I hesitate and throw a quick look back over my shoulder. He is watching me from afar, his face unreadable.
    “We’re just getting some fresh air,” I say, turning back to Amanda. Even I don’t believe that and I cannot blame her and boss for exchanging a suggestive look.
    “Text me, if you’re not coming home,” she says, winking at me. “Just so I don’t have to worry.”

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Caught: a Hitman Romance
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