Ceylon in the "jubilee Year."

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Christopher Elliott, M.D., the late, for his philanthropic labours among Burghers and Natives, and his inde- pendent attitude as a Journalist; also as the first head of the Civil Medical Department of the colony, and the projector of Hospitals, Colleges, &c.
A. M. Ferguson, C.M.G., M.R.A.S., for his labours in urging cultivation of new products, especially cinchona and tea ; also as Journalist {Ceylon Observer) and Pub- lisher (in conjunction with J. Ferguson) of Tropical A(/iicuUurist, Manuals
... for Tropical Planters, Ceylon Handbooks and Directories, &c. Resident fifty years.
C. A. LoREisz, Barrister, the late, for disuiterested wofk as Legislator and Publicist, more especially in aiding the advance of his own people, the I3urghers.
John Capper, M.R.A.S. (Ceylon branch;. Merchant and Journalist in Ceylon for over forty years. Author of several works on, or on subjects connected with, the colony.
The De Sovza Family (especially C. H. De Soyza, Esq., J.P.I and Mudaliyar Sampsox Eajapakse, for onter- 18 258 Ceylon in the Jubilee Year.

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Ceylon in the "jubilee Year."
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