Ceylon in the "jubilee Year".: With An Account of the Progress Made Sonce ...

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Ceylon in the "jubilee Year".: With An Account of the Progress Made Sonce ...
John Ferguson
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What reading level is Ceylon in the "jubilee Year".: With An Account of the Progress Made Sonce ... book?
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But then they are going to stop short instead of pushing on as was proposed to Haputale, the real terminus, with new trafiSc, Digitized by VjOOQ IC England^s Chief Tropical Colony. 338 wliich ifl only 24 miles farther, and would cost £400,000, and open up a vast amount of splendid country, which at present is compelled to send its produce round by road, a distance of 200 miles — a road which is subjected to floods, too, to say nothing of the delay and cost." Thx Tea Plamtkb at Wobk. — ** Let us... suppose that a young man has learned his business, and has a thousand or two of capital He buys 200 acres at 16s. an acre. He would begin by opening up, say, twenty-flye acres his first year, clearing, draining, and planting. Then, in his second year, he would prepare another twenty-five acres. Up to and including the third year his outlay would be about £20 to £25 an acre. In his third year there would be a crop of tea-leaf— a small one. In the fourth and fifth year he might expect, supposing that he is lucky, to have a crop of tea of 400 lb., to the acre, which he would lay down in England at 9d.

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Ceylon in the "jubilee Year".: With An Account of the Progress Made Sonce ...
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